Planning for the Future

 When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe. 


Partnering for preservation has been an important theme throughout this project.

We have brought together a number of experts in the areas of 3D and digital documentation, historic preservation and architectural planning, special collections and historic archival conservation and development, archaeology and land survey, and have worked with public and private sector entities to ensure the plan we are developing for the Moseley Homestead leads to a feasible and sustainable path to the future. We are working to protect, preserve and make discoverable and accessible the wonderful resources and educational opportunities that the Moseley Homestead site offers.

It is our intention to continue to make the information and data collected from this project available broadly, bringing the story of early Florida and 19th Century life to the forefront, demonstrating why heritage matters and sharing these details from a seldom heard woman’s perspective, unique for this time and place. We hope you will continue to follow us and explore the Moseley site virtually through our efforts, bringing these lessons into the classroom and beyond for future generations to appreciate. In this effort, like Julia Daniels Moseley and her Granddaughter Julia Winifred Moseley, we hope to be able to instill an ethic and appreciation for the land and demonstrate how integral cultural and natural heritage is in all we do.

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